Processed foods and a person breaking a cigarette

5 Common Habits That Can Harm Kidneys

Here are five habits that to avoid if you want to maintain healthy kidneys.

15 Common Foods That Cause Food Poisoning

25 Common Foods That Cause Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is miserable. These are the foods you're eating that are out to get you.

guy rubbing his eyes because he is experiencing stye symptoms

Stye Symptoms

Styes are small pimple-like bumps on eyelids. They can be caused by a bacterial infection of the eyelid follicles or of the glands located around the eyelids and lashes. Here’s a look at the signs and symptoms of a stye. 

innovations auto industry

Innovations That Changed the Automotive Industry

The journey of automotive innovation spans over a century, marked by significant milestones that revolutionized transportation. Here, we’ll cover the biggest innovations in automotive history that changed the industry forever. Let’s take a look!

States Where Squatters Can Legally Claim Your Property

15 US States Where Squatters Can Legally Claim Your Property

In property law throughout the United States, adverse possession allows squatters to claim land ownership under certain conditions. This article delves into the complex legal landscapes of different states where squatters can lawfully acquire property, shedding light on nuanced statutes and case precedents. (Disclaimer: The information in this content is for general informational purposes only, not a substitute for professional legal advice. Always consult a legal professional before making any changes to your lifestyle.)

auto insurance myths

Busting 10 Auto Insurance Myths

In this myth-busting journey, we'll shine a light on some of the most persistent auto insurance fallacies. From color conundrums to credit score confusions, we'll separate fact from fiction to help you make more informed decisions about your coverage.

Funniest ways people quit jobs

30 Hilarious Ways People Quit Their Jobs

Almost everyone has had a "take this job and shove it" fantasy where you tell off your boss and make a grand, public exit.

Jobs That AI Could Never Replace

Jobs That AI Could Never Replace

Are you curious about how AI might effect you and your job?

Colonel Sanders and Oprah Winfrey

20 Stars Who Got Fired Before They Made it Big

These popular celebs thrived in the face of failure.

los angeles

The Worst Football Towns in the U.S.

If you are looking for a town with the proper enthusiasm for good ole American football, you should avoid these towns. Our information comes from WalletHub.

Cake and Coffee

American Foods Other Countries Find Disgusting

People from other countries are genuinely disgusted that we eat some of this stuff. We scoured Reddit and Quora for the common foods that people say they hated when visiting our country.

least patriotic states

The Least Patriotic States in America

A majority of people who live in this country are proud to be Americans, but it turns out that some places are more patriotic than others. Our information on the least patriotic states comes from WalletHub.


The Worst Things About Going to the DMV

If you hate going to the DMV as much as the rest of us, you’ll likely relate to this list of the biggest gripes. These are the worst things about going to the DMV!

Photos of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Throughout the Years

Photos of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Throughout the Years

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter built an incredible legacy in public service and private life. Here, we honor their life with images of their most precious moments together.

Behind the Scenes of Full House

Behind the Scenes of Full House

The hidden depths of the Tanner Family's off-camera escapades remained a tantalizing mystery, until now! Bob Saget's personal memoir gave us some of these anecdotes, and we have all the rest of the behind-the-scenes details!

celebrity who dropped out of college

25 Celebrities Who Dropped Out of College

In this day and age, it’s almost impossible to tell who has a college degree and who doesn’t. You’d be surprised at the celebrities who never finished college.

High school graduates show off their diplomas

10 States With the Highest High School Graduation Rates

At 81%, the nation's high school graduation rate is the highest it's ever been - and the number just keeps increasing. But which states have better individual numbers than others? Find out which 10 states have the most graduates.

Least educated cities in america

The Most and Least Educated Cities in the United States

While some might just see a degree as a status symbol, the truth is that certain degrees can have a real and positive impact on an individual's earning potential, and the education level of the population as a whole can affect the entire country's economic stability. 

coolest car the year you were born

The Coolest Cars from the Year You Were Born

Whether you're a flower child of the 1960s or a hairspray veteran of the 1980s, you'll find the best model on the road from the year you said hello to the world

Used Cars That Are Soaring In Value

25 Used Cars That Are Soaring In Value

What makes a used car a hot commodity? Rarity, popularity, a piece of automotive history, and, let's not forget, being in great condition.

Mini Cooper Clubman

25 Worthless Foreign Vehicles

Everyone has their favorite cars. Foreign cars have actually begun to dominate the U.S. car market. Then, there are these 25 cars...